Some small businesses may close within a couple of months after launching, whilst others may last for several years. However, catering is one of the rarest of rare business that lasts forever, as long as the company continuously offers a wide array of quality food within schedule. Be it business meetings or marriages or birthday/ anniversary parties… they all need a catering company to supply food and drinks during those events. Find below a mini guide to create a successful catering business plan in Perth.
Can you do it?
Do you enjoy making food during social events held in your house, love conjuring special dishes during your kid’s birthday, and always watch cooking classes on the TV? If you have answered in the positive to all these three questions, then you are the likely candidate for this catering business plan.
You can start by preparing food and drinks for small events immediately, as you can prepare them with the utensils you already have in your kitchen. To effectively create a business plan for your catering business here are some helpful pointers:
Streamline budget sources and Capital
Preparing a budget which includes all the necessary and overhead expenses is imperative. It is important to research well and find the right sources of your capital, they may be an investor’s funding or your own savings.
You must have a clear idea of how much capital you are working with. An effective business plan is one with a clear understanding of the initial capital investment along with a revenue generation model carefully planned out.
Do your market research
It is important to invest a decent amount of time in market research to understand the competition, target market, and the latest industry happenings. As a caterer, you must acquire knowledge about what is trending, how the peers are performing, and what are lucrative sources of revenue.
Licenses and Permits
The caterer business is bound to undergo some quality checks by the country or the state health department. The authorities will inspect the kitchen to assess if it adheres to the quality standards. The owner of a catering business must hold a food handler’s license. You must research this aspect and meet all the criteria necessary for obtaining a license.
Advantages of starting a catering business
No hidden costs
Caterers know the exact number of people they have to serve. This implies that you can purchase only what is required, decreasing the cost of food waste. This is unlike a restaurant who have to prepare food for xyz number of people even if only 50 percent of that number visit it on a specific night, resulting in loss of earnings. I will not say “loss” because of the high-profit margins of this business.
Equipment and staff costs
Unlike hotels that have to have food preparing equipment at all times, you can hire cooking equipment only for the day and duration on which you need it. You can factor in this expense into the overall job quote. This implies that you do not need a huge amount of cash to start this business. As most Perth catering events are buffet style, this implies that you can easily make do with two to three servers.
What are you waiting for? Inform your friends, relatives, and colleagues that you have started a catering business.