If you are in charge of planning a high school event such as a prom, a ball, or a formal, it is going to take a lot of time planning and you will need to have excellent organizational skills. If you are in charge of planning a school ball event, you don’t want to put so much time into it that it takes time away from homework and studying.
Below are great tips so that you can make the necessary arrangements without taking up all of your time.
The Venue
The place that you choose to hold the event will make or break the event. If you are holding the event in your school gym, the venue would be free. If you are planning to hold it at a flashy hotel, you can expect to pay up to $2,000.
There are other variables that can affect the cost of the venue such as timing. If you are planning to hold the event on a Saturday when venues are highest in demand, you will pay more. If you are choosing a very popular venue, you would pay more.
Finally, if there are any amenities included in the room, it will cost more. If you want to make planning the event easier on yourself, you should choose a venue with ballroom charm that you expect for your special event.
The Food – School Ball Catering
Food is going to be a very important part of your school ball event. Because of this, a large portion of the event budget would go to catering costs. The food and drinks that you choose are very important. If you don’t choose the right non-alcoholic refreshments for the event, it won’t be a success.
If you want to have someone help you make these decisions and if you want to stay organized, it is best to choose a venue that offers school ball catering services on-site. When you use the venue’s on-site catering, you won’t need to worry about interviewing catering companies.
Also, you won’t need to worry about hiring someone that has never worked in the venue before and doesn’t know the lay of the land.
Since you are going to want people to dance at your event, you are going to need to hire a DJ or a band. You should do this as soon as the date of the event is set and the venue is booked. Most in-demand DJ’s and professional bands book three months in advance, therefore, you need to start planning early.
Decorations and Themes
If you want the venue to look great on the night of the event, you need to choose a theme and think about the decorations. Whether you are going to DIY decorate or purchase ready-made decorations, you will need to create a budget.
You should decorate for your theme before you go shopping. This will give you a chance to figure out if there are decorations that you can borrow or that you can hire. If you need some help, you can work with a theme specialist who can supply you with the props and the decorations for the tables.
The facilities that you need would depend on the needs of your event. There are a few staple facilities that you are going to need. These include:
• Location: You should make sure that the location is convenient for students and parents.
• Parking or Public Transportation: It is best to work with a venue that offers free parking. If you can find a place with easy access to public transportation, that would be even better.
• Event Staff: You want to choose a venue whose event staff has an excellent reputation. Poor service can ruin the entire event.
If the venue doesn’t provide security for events held there, you may need to hire your own security. In some cases, it may be your school’s policy that there is security on-site. Even if it isn’t part of the school’s policy, you should still hire security. Better safe than sorry. The cost of the security would depend on the number of guards that you hire.
Make Money and Set Goals
Well before the event, you are going to need to make money to pay for it. In most cases, the school’s activity budget isn’t going to be enough to cover the cost of the event. You are going to need to hold fundraisers, ask for donations, and use the money from the ticket sales.
Contact Us Today
If you are looking for catering for a Perth School Ball, talk to us today. We have helped provide catering for many Perth School Balls and will be happy to help you create an amazing event. We can provide wait staff and even chairs and tables if required. Contact us today.